Does GOD really exist?

Since centuries, it is believed prudent to take the name of God while we begin with something. Well, given that it is my 1st blogging experience I decided to commence with a topic related to God.

There are various races and religions, people have their own GODs. Bhagwan, Allah, Jesus, Wahe Guru are some ways in which the diverse sections of the society address GOD in general. Then there are several appearances of GOD; there’s Lord Ganesh, Lord Shiv, Hanumanji, Lord Ram, Lord Buddha, Lord Krishna and many more. To add to this, each GOD has several names. For example, Lord Ganesh is also known as Gajanan, Vinayak and Lambodar, and there are other such names for every possible GOD.

Nonetheless there’s a query in my mind; ‘Does GOD really exist?’

Some say there is an absolute power that controls us and the nature, but has no stature. Some are of the view that there are just 3 GODs, namely, Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiv); the creator, the manager and the destroyer respectively. Many also believe that GOD is within us and we are a part of GOD. All such theories are potent enough to confuse someone as to what the reality is.

I think we humans are very fragile, emotionally. Whenever something distasteful occurs we seek GOD. As far as my view is concerned, I think the concept of GOD came up when we humans were in agony and despair. There was a time when someone had a grave problem and did not know whom to approach, what to do, thus leading to total helplessness. In such a time one wise man decided to come up with the term GOD, referring to someone who we humans could look up to during times of trouble, and then be confident and hopeful for a better future. This is a way to instill faith in man during tough times, that he can rise out of the ashes and lead a fine life. Actually, it is up to us to come out of a situation fearlessly and GOD may be a nominal support to this. I think it is after this that man started forming various appearances of God as per his own imagination and needs. Probably, Mahabharat and Ramayan were written to teach man values and give hope, probably things of that nature never occured. But this bewilders me further as I’m not convinced because I have no proof; and if GOD really exists, or there are a number of them, then they might not like me for being skeptical.

Honestly, it’s very difficult to sort this thing out. Several scientists and religious experts have tried to figure it out too. As for myself, I’m pretty puzzled about what to consider and would really feel relieved if someone came up with some asserting facts.


  1. Nice post...

    According to me various religious books were written simply to show people the path of righteousness. Those events may not have actually occured. What disappoints me today is that people have gone to extreme measures in the name of god. War, bloodshed, division, racism. If one actually reflects upon it, each and every wrong doing in this world has some connection to religion. For all those people who are staunch believers of god, did your god really ask for this? Is that what he taught you to become? Believing in him is not wrong, but using that faith for extreme measures is unwarranted. Being an athiest or an agnostic is not wrong either. Its simply different peoples viewpoint. We must learn to respect people for who they are instead of going to war on the basis of religion. People have become over-dependant on him. Why curse someone else when problems befall us? Why blame our gods? It is our own deeds that bear fruit. God is their only to show the path, not to do your work. Thing about it...

  2. hey first of all welcome to blogosphere...u've selected a very controversial topic to begin with but still a very good read...keep writing...cheers!!!

  3. Nice post. Shall I comment my views?

  4. Of course Rishabh, you can, go ahead.

  5. I’d like to add that I hate those who credit themselves for all the good things that happen to them, but blame it on God whenever situations become dreadful.
    ‘He must’ve inked it in our destiny,' they say.
    God is just a punching bag for such selfish gits. So you’ll see, my viewpoint is that God may be an ostensible figure utilised by many to defend their slip-ups.

  6. Every1s view was nice to read. and I am sure mine will be extremely different and maybe not be acceptable to many.. but I really think GOD is a creation of our ancestors, I THINK, I am not sure at all. So like I said, I think GOD was a super-natural Powerful built-up by our ancestor. For instance, If you want a child to stop nagging you would say I would complain to your Mom! The child fears the Mom and doesnt nag.. Similarly, our ancestors created a concept of GOD! Our ancestors say dint wanted us to steal, or to lie,or to kill, or any other bad stuffs, so they preached us that theres a Power in the world i.e GOD who has created us, and thus can do bad to our lives, and we are subjected to him after death. So they did it to built a fear in us before we do anything bad! They wanted us to not do bad stuffs, and this was the BEST way to do so! So now before doing anything bad you would think 1000 times! similarly, they made it a point to worship GOD so that you can be positive, you can think good stuffs, you can progress in life.. My thinking abt is goes way deeper, I would write abt the entire thing in my blog!.. Ty
